Are you consistently looking for ways to draw closer to God? Do you know listening to the best Christian podcasts can help you achieve this goal? Reading the Bible is the #1 priority, prayer, and worship follow. Lately, I have found another helpful resource which is listening to Christian podcasts.
What about you, sweet friend? Would you like to grow closer to God by listening to the best Christian podcasts too?
In today’s fast-paced world, women in general, have so much on their plate right? If you are like me, you work a full-time job, and then by the time you get home you’re energy level is nonexistent, right?
Let’s not forget about our everyday tasks as well, such as… taking care of our family, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, etc… the list is never-ending, right?
Can YOU relate sweet friend?
How the Best Christian Podcasts for Women can help you grow closer to God
Recently, I signed up for a couple of online women conference’s. What I discovered is the majority of women are struggling with the same thing I am…busyness.
To know I’m not alone is a much-needed relief. That said, the conference speakers gave great examples that are doable. One suggestion that kept popping up was listening to Christian podcasts for women.
Allow me to be completely honest, I thought podcasts were something I would never find enjoyable. Most podcasts, I’ve listened to, in my opinion, I have found rather boring. That being said, I didn’t realize Christian podcasts had changed so much until I attended the online conferences.
Wow, I was wrong!
Let me begin by saying I LOVE my job working with patients with cancer. Also, as an oncology phlebotomist, my patients teach me the value of treasured memories every single day and I’m truly grateful!
That being said, my job can be emotionally and spiritually draining, and by the time I get home, I’m mentally exhausted. This makes focusing on God’s word hard. God deserves our best…NOT OUR LEFTOVERS right?
During the conferences, many speakers said one of the best ways to grow spiritually is listening to biblically-based best Christians podcasts for women whenever you can spare a few moments here and there. Such as…
- Driving to and from work
- Soaking in the tub
- Cleaning
- Laundry
- Running
- Walking
- Exercising
- Cooking
These suggestions make so much sense. My commute to work is roughly 20 minutes each way. Since attending the conference I’ve been listening to some of the best Christian podcasts almost every day.
What a game changer this has been for me and I hope it encourages YOU to grow a closer walk with Jesus as well. The next thing to consider is where to start and which Christian podcasts are most beneficial and biblically correct, right?
So, to make things easier for you I went in search of the best Christian podcasts for women to get a list compiled to make it easier for you. I started looking at what Feedspot suggests first. This is a website that I trust.
I’m incredibly honored that my website is featured in Feedspot’s top Christian Women’s Blogs and Faith Blogs. I’m truly grateful to share the message of hope found in a relationship, not a religion with Jesus. If you take a look at the Feedspots list in ALL Christian genres you will find many helpful websites that honor God.
That said, let’s get started with the best Christian podcasts for women now.
Best Christian Podcasts for Women
Praying Christian Women
PCW podcast is one of the online Christian Conferences that changed how I viewed podcasts. This podcast is dedicated to deepening your prayer life. The hosts are Alana Terry and Jaime Hampton.
In my opinion, this is one of the best Christian podcasts that bring both biblical encouragement and inspiration to grow your prayer life.
Equipping Godly Women
Equipping Godly Women podcast led by Brittany Ann is another online conference I attended and got great suggestions I am going to implement in my own life.
EGW is for Christian women who are ready to be ALL IN faith and family. I LOVE Brittany’s on-fire desire for God as she teaches what it means to be a committed follower of Christ.
I also LOVE what EGW Christian Podcasts for Women states on her website…”Quoting Brittany” After all, Jesus didn’t call us to be lukewarm, half-hearted followers of him. He calls us to be ALL IN! You MUST check out Equipping Godly Women’s website too!
Brittany Ann gives practical strategies for living out faith as Christian women in today’s busy world, and so much more. I recently received her book titled Fall in Love with God’s Word and I can NOT wait to dive into it as well. Go check it out below!
Proverbs 31
I’ve enjoyed receiving the Proverbs 31 devotionals for quite some time now. In all honesty, I hadn’t even considered listening to Proverbs 31 Christian podcasts for women. What I love most about their ministry is that they offer hope in Christ.
The best part is regardless of age, background, or season of life you may be in they make it their mission to be open and honest in the real hard places ALL women experience in everyday life as a follower of Jesus Christ.
Real Talk With Rachael
The “Real Talk with Rachel” is one of my favorite Christian podcasts for women. Why? Rachel helps Christian women overcome their fears and insecurities so a woman can confidently pursue their God-given dreams!
I struggle with fear in my own life so I need someone to HELP ME in this area. If you’re struggling with fear, Rachel incorporates how to face your fears head on and what does the Bible say about fear in her podcasts.
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Gwen Smith is the host of the “Gwenologie” podcast where you have fun, faith-focused, grace-filled conversations to help you know and trust God more. Are you ready to connect with and be challenged by incredible, godly women?
You can expect to grow from practical tips and takeaways that you will be able to apply to your life and learn the importance of walking with God and putting God first in your life.
Living Proof Ministries
The “Living Proof Ministries” Christian podcasts for women are hosted by Beth Moore. After years of being encouraged to develop homework by those attending Bible Study class led by Beth, she realized what she had on her hands was a ‘ministry’.
Beth founded Living Proof Ministries in 1994 to teach women to know and love Jesus through the study of Scripture.
Resource: Living Proof Ministries
Women Finding God
If you are walking through a trial right now and you are struggling to hold onto your faith, “Women Finding God” by Latoya Edwards is the channel for you. The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy but God is on the throne!
I LOVE what Latoya states on her about page…
- That circumstance that has robbed you of your joy …
- That situation has left you feeling fearful and alone …
- Those negative thoughts that plague you day and night …
Everything is going to be all right because God has given you victory!
Resource: Women Finding God
The Glorious in the Mundane
The Glorious in the Mundane began in 2016 by Christy Nockels. I knew Christy is a musician and worship leader but I was unaware that she had a podcast too.
She’s also a writer who travels with Jennie Allen, Rebekah Lyons, and Ann Voskamp, ALL of these women are amazing authors and speakers.
Coffee and Bible Time
Coffee and Bible Time Christian podcasts for women is a podcast that encourages you to grow in your faith. The show hosts include Mentor Mama, Ashley, and, Taylor who are founders of the Coffee and Bible Time ministry. Their passion is to help inspire women to delight in God’s word.
I Choose My Best Life
I Choose My Best Life is a podcast by Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith. Saundra helps you live fully, love boldly, and rest intentionally. If you are fatigued and overwhelmed, shows you how to isolate your lifestyle pain points and gives you actionable answers to enjoying your best life.
Through God’s divine intervention, she was able to overcome. Carol shares real stories of herself and powerful scriptures found in God’s word. Go listen to her podcast ignite your faith with fearless faith and watch what God will do!
That Sounds Fun
Annie F. Downs’s “That Sounds Fun” Christian podcasts are like having deep conversations with a “best friend” and I would consider them as interview style. We ALL need godly friendships in our lives.
Here’s a hint for you…If you check out Annie’s list of podcasts you’ll find many “widely known” individuals. so you gotta go check it out for yourself.
Christian Working Woman
The Christian Working Woman began in 1984 as an outgrowth of a ministry for workplace women that began at The Moody Church in Chicago, Illinois.
Because of her own experiences of being a Christian in the marketplace, Mary Whelchel has a burden to encourage women and to teach them sound biblical principles to equip them to live godly lives in their workplaces.
The Vibrant Christian Living
The “Vibrant Christian Living” Podcast, hosted by author and Christian life coach Alicia Michelle, is a place for practical ideas and powerful spiritual inspiration for Christian women who want to overcome their obstacles, discover their true potential, and find lasting joy and significance through a relationship with God.
The Christian Woman Leadership
The “Christian Woman Leadership” is hosted by Alicia Michelle. Each week Alicia shares tips and biblical truth to renew your mind and cultivate a purpose-filled life that honors God.
All God’s Women
The podcast, “All God’s Women” is hosted by Sharon Wilharm. Sharon focuses our attention on ALL the women in the Bible. Topics are biblically based on women that you’ve heard of all your life and some you may not have.
Each woman has a story to tell and you will discover life lessons we can take away from each of these ancient women and apply to our modern-day lives.
Set Apart Girl
Leslie Ludy is the woman behind “Set Apart Girl” and she makes it her mission to provide resources to help you pursue Christ-centered biblical encouragement that inspires Christian women of all ages.
Happy Hour
The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey is one of the best Christian podcasts for women that talks about “quoting Jamie”…the big things in life, the little things in life, and everything in between.
Jamie and a guest each week inspire, encourage you, and point you to Jesus. They share topics on faith, children, parenting, marriage, sorrow, grief, joy, and so much more.
Flying Free
As you may or may not know my marriage was abusive..physically, sexually, verbally, and emotionally destructive, and after almost fifteen years I hit rock bottom. I attempted suicide, and by the grace of God, it failed.
That said, at this particular time in my life I was living a life full of fear. I sincerely wish I had someone like Natalie at that time to mentor and help me find healing after abuse.
The “Flying Free” podcast is hosted by Natalie Hoffman. She offers support resources for women of faith who need hope and healing from hidden emotional abuse, spiritual abuse, and narcissistic abuse. If you looking for a podcast dedicated to overcoming abuse topic go check it out!
These Christian podcasts are a unique and authentic approach to dealing with everyday real-life issues.
Your Turn
Do you recognize any of these Christian podcasts for women? If not, I sincerely hope you will listen to some of our suggestions to see if, like myself, they open ideas that you can use to form a deeper relationship with God! As I stated at the beginning I used to put podcasts in the “boring” category…not anymore! I am more than certain there are tons more best Christian podcasts for women and I guarantee you that I barely scraped the surface so in your spare time do some research to see what you can find…YOU MAY BE SURPRISED!
Hey Friend, Thanks For Reading!
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