Do you ever get homesick for heaven? I know I sure do. If you are like me sometimes you may feel the season you are in is never-ending right? I want to give you some hope to cling to today to reflect on when you are feeling homesick and weary for Heaven. Here are eight verses of hope because as I’ve said many numerous times on my website if I can’t be real why have it all, right?

When you are going through long seasons of pain and sickness it can get the best of you. Trust me it can be hard! That being said, you must keep your eyes focused on the Cross while you’re facing the road we are on.
Homesick For Heaven? Here’s What You Can Cling To While You Wait
Take a good look at the image I have used for this particular post. Do you see how the woman is facing a long road up ahead?
If I were to guess the expression on her face I can assume looking at this long road she would be feeling homesick for Heaven!
Now I also want you to see what’s front and center and shining as a beacon of hope. I looked up the term homesick meaning and the definition is below.
What Does the term “homesick” mean?
Homesick means: Feeling unhappy because you are a long way from your home. A long way from home indeed!!
As born again disciples of Jesus Christ you know your home is in Heaven., and you’re just passing through. When you go through various trials and tribulations it leaves a sense of longing in your heart wanting to go “home” to Heaven.
The hope we can cling to is the Cross! Sweet friend, all that matters is this…
No matter how long (OUR ROAD) is, how hard or challenging it may become, if you will keep looking straight ahead, never taking your eyes off the Cross, God will provide a way to see you through them!
Pain and suffering will cease
Keep in the forefront of your mind that it won’t last forever and are promised that. I know what’s going through your mind right now.
“Angie…You don’t understand how long I’ve endured this and you just don’t “get it!” Trust Me, I get it! I have those weak moments of saying those same words!
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4
This verse is such a wonderful promise to us isn’t it sweet friend? Just close your eyes and envision Heaven in your mind. To see Glory for the first time. Can you feel and see it, Friends?
The Great Homecoming
Can you envision the Heavenly Father taking you in his arms and saying to you “Welcome Home, my good and faithful servant!” Oh, what a day that will be! Are you looking forward to that day as much as I am?
Can you get a sense of how amazing this will be friends? We will no longer have to long for anything! God himself will wipe away all tears from our eyes.
You will finally get to thank Jesus for all he’s done for you. I am in AWE of what Christ did for me! Aren’t you?
All of your loved ones who have left their earthly bodies you will see again face to face. There’ll be no more losing your family and friends because there will be no more death.
That alone will have you longing for Heaven even more so!
Apart from God and Jesus, I want to see ALL my loved ones but I can’t wait to hold my Precious Tyler in my arms again because 4 1/2 months wasn’t long enough.
There’ll be No more pain and suffering
Just thinking about this fills my spirit with sweet peace. Homesick for Heaven to be free completely free of both sickness and weakness in my body.
And this freedom is a promise of Scripture. God promises that He will be the one who frees us. See friends, this is the hope we can cling to! To know that we will be able to shed all the struggles of this world.
You’ll gain a new glorified body
The challenging road I have been on is draining me physically, mentally, and spiritually. I was dreading but also looking forward to getting my biopsy done on my foot this past week.
Overcoming Challenging Times
I was mentally, spiritually, and physically ready. The pain of it, however. Not so much!! Can you guess what happened?
No more disappointment: Homesick for Heaven even more so!
The doctor I was referred to for biopsy and treatment walks in and introduces himself. What happened next deflated me like a balloon and left me defeated.
He says to me “I’m afraid I have very bad news for you. I am NOT gonna be able to do your biopsy today or treat you at all.”
Talk about feeling like you’ve been sucker-punched!!! Yes, that was me! I left his office in tears and with all kinds of doubts. I started voicing my opinion on how I felt.
Don’t Get Discouraged
What was my BIG mistake? I took my eyes off the cross and opened the door for doubts. Once you open that door guess who slips in and starts filling your mind with doubts, questions, and lies of the devil?
- Do you think God knows what he’s doing?
- Guess you’re doing something wrong and God is punishing you, isn’t he?
God is using this for a reason known only to him and who am I to question him? I know for a fact I have grown closer in my walk with God.
However, I am human and slipped because I know God can be trusted in difficult times.
God is Faithful even when You Are faithless
Trust God’s ways are far better than our ways. Friends if you’re having doubts lean not on your understanding.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:6
I know how easy it is, to see what’s only in front of you. That’s our human nature. Friends, we MUST stop looking at things from a human perspective and look to the eternal perspective.
You can’t fight things in your strength! God is our refuge and strength!
For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work, for his good pleasure. Philippians 2:13
Keep your mind, heart, and eyes focused on Jesus Christ. Don’t look at it from a worldly perspective, but look at it, from an eternal perspective.
Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. Colossians 3:2
You are being renewed daily in four ways
- God’s power is manifested and glorified in our weakness
- Life is flowing from our suffering
- God sustains us and he will not let us be overcome by it
- We will be in Heaven for eternity
So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16
For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. 2 Corinthians 4:17
As we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18
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God’s Provisions
My Bff (Bestie) on suffering and longing for Heaven. Maria my best friend for years posted the following on my personal Facebook page. I know she won’t mind me sharing it because I know her that well. She’s more like a sister to me
Angie, I don’t have words for what you are going through. I don’t understand why you have to go through this either and it makes me sad as well as angry because I know GOD has a reason for everything. I just can’t make myself grasp a reason for this.
You and I have been BESTIES for a long time! I remember when you were the epitome of health. Now, this? On top of everything else? I never would have imagined the way things have turned out for you health-wise.
I know, I know, I can hear you saying it: GOD has blessed you in so many ways. I realize that especially since he blessed me when he gave me you as a BESTIE. I LOVE YOU and keep you in my prayers daily.
The faith you continue to show throughout this journey is changing lives but most importantly it’s changing Mine!
MY BESTIE you bring me to tears with this post. Thank You. I honestly don’t understand it either but God IS using it for a purpose and a reason that I may NEVER know.
I’m NOT gonna lie and say that I don’t have weak moments with all this but I MUST cling to the Promises and Faithfulness of God. You know be real.
It’s ALL I can do! God knows the outcome. Whatever God’s will for me is what I have to hold on to. I’m hoping for the best with the situation with this recent issue regarding my foot.
It’s just like the song from Mercy Me Even If you don’t my hope is you alone.
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and I’m FOREVER Grateful for you and our Friendship. I’d be lost with you! Try not to worry because it just drains today’s peace.
My reason for sharing that particular timeline post is to show you I am far from perfect but I am clinging to the Promises and Faithfulness of God in my life. If you feeling overwhelmed by life…God is who you can turn to!
Homesick Quotes
“If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.”
-CS. Lewis
“O God, you made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you.”
Walk YOUR path
This needs repeating: Our Road…
No matter how long (OUR ROAD) is, how hard or challenging it may become if we will keep looking straight ahead, never taking our eyes off the Cross, God will provide a way to see us through them! Trust God, because he is Faithful. One day very soon that road will be a distant memory.
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When I am weak he is strong! The next time this situation arises and I dealing with uncertainty concerning my health, I must go back and remind myself when I wrote Why Do I Suffer? Why Not Me?
I normally wouldn’t post photos like this but I want to show vulnerability. Just in case anyone reading this has doubts about what I am writing.
This is just one of the issues I deal with concerning my autoimmune diseases. It’s not just empty words on a screen sweet friend.
Your Turn
What are the verses you can cling to today HELP YOU to reflect on when you’re weary and feeling Homesick for Heaven?
Hey Friend, Thanks For Reading!
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