Autoimmune Diseases can be hard to identify. Trusting God in the midst of them can be challenging at times, right? It’s crucial to trust God from the beginning, the middle, and the end. If life was easy ALL the time you wouldn’t grow in faith and you tend to learn more in the darkest of times. Learn the importance of trusting God completely.

Updated: January 23, 2023
I’ve had many requests inquiring about my Autoimmune Diseases, and recent and upcoming surgeries so I wanted to give you a rundown of what they are before I share why trusting God is so important.
I honestly admit some days it’s challenging. People often ask how are you doing? I used to say, “I’m Ok, or I’m alright, then realized this is not the correct answer. Now I simply say, “I’m hanging there the best I can.” It’s all I can say because anything else would be a lie.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart Examples of God working in your life
And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9
Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
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Autoimmune diseases Health Journey
Graves Disease
My Autoimmune Disease started back in 2008. My family Dr ordered blood work and the results showed I had hyperthyroidism which is too much thyroid hormone.
My chest constantly felt like a butterfly was stuck trying to fight its way out and couldn’t. She repeated the blood work over a couple of weeks, with the same results.
Needless to say, I saw an Endocrinologist ASAP. If you know anything about the results of bloodwork regarding your thyroid, the levels are back to what other results are. High number = low. Low number = high.
My results registered -0 meaning it was dangerously high. It didn’t even register a number. Needless to say, I saw an Endocrinologist and he did his bloodwork, scans, etc… the same results.
This term Graves Disease sounds like a death sentence, doesn’t it? I wish it had another name. Lol. Needless to say, I was told POINT BLANK, if you don’t do what I tell you to do, exactly as I say, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE LIVING LONG!! Yes, he was that BLUNT!
I was also told no exercise, and leisurely walking only. I had to take radioactive iodine, to destroy my thyroid, if NOT it would destroy me! Talking about telling you like it is!
I had to be isolated from people for thirteen days. CRAZY STUFF! However, once this was done, though it saved my life, and had to be done, my immune system is shot. The video below is the procedure I had.
Weak Immune System
Autoimmune diseases result in a compromised immune system. That being said, I get sick VERY easily and I lose my voice ALL THE TIME!
Graves disease is an Autoimmune Disease, that forces antibodies, to attack their own body’s tissues. Normally, the immune system protects the body, from viruses and other germs.
However, Graves disease confuses the immune system and makes the Thyroid gland produce too much thyroid hormone. Extra hormones lead to metabolism becoming extremely active.
You can suffer problems such as an accelerated heartbeat, weight loss, heart failure, sensitivity to hot and cold, dry hair and skin, and high blood pressure. It’s taken a while to get that regulated, but now my numbers are extremely off again.
Fluid Backup In The Middle Ear Canal
Back in 2010, I went to lay my head on my pillow. I noticed I had an extremely tender spot on my neck. I asked Mike to take a look at it and he said it was just a small red bump. I thought nothing of it, and he said why didn’t I just lay on my opposite side.
When my alarm went off in the morning to get ready for work, I couldn’t even raise my head. I grabbed my neck and said IT HURTS SO BAD!
Mike got up and flipped the light on. Mike said…”YOU’RE NOT GOING TO WORK, WE’RE TAKING YOU TO THE DOCTOR…NOW!”
What are the Chronic Symptoms of Fluid In the ear canal?
Trust me, you can’t make this stuff up. Y’all, I am NOT exaggerating, Dumbo had nothing on me! The whole left side of the face, ear, and neck were super huge! Fire red and hot to the touch! It was one of the most excruciating pains I felt in my life.
When Mike and I arrived they wasted no time taking us back to see the ENT Specialist. As soon as they saw me I felt like a freak show on parade.
The Dr. I saw said he had NEVER seen anything like this before EVER! They did a CT stat because they thought it was a tumor. Nothing was seen besides swelling and fluid.
I was asked if I was bitten or maybe had scratched it and I said no. To this day they don’t know what caused it but it has left my hearing severely damaged.
Long story short I have ringing, roaring, hissing, fullness, and balance issues, ALL THE TIME! It doesn’t go away. EVER!
I’ve been told, “You’ll get used to it!” It’s been going on for almost 13 years, and guess what…You do not get used to it. Sigh!
Meniere’s Disease
Around 2012 I started having really bad vertigo. I’m NOT talking about whoops, I think I need to sit down…I’m talking about room spinning, NOT being able to stand up…PERIOD! I get nauseous and have lightheadedness, vomiting, and vertigo.
High Dose Steroid Injections for Meniere’s Disease
In all honesty, I have lost count of all of the numerous ENT Specialists I have seen over the years. I’ve had all kinds of testing done and to be honest not much helps in the long term.
For the short-term symptoms, I’ve received eight injections in my eardrum to help alleviate the symptoms. I can see your eyes growing like saucers.
Trust God Amid Pain
The first time I had an injection in my eardrum the Dr told me to turn my head I was like…what? Mike was in the corner and told me…Look at Me!!
You can NOT swallow for fifteen minutes during that procedure. Yep, try that one. It’s hard!
Mike said he was surprised when the needle didn’t punch through the other side of my head. So NOT fun. However, I am trusting God in the midst of it all!
Vestibular Migraine Disease
Around 2014 I started becoming super sensitive to movement of ANY kind. That includes flashing, blinking, spinning, objects moving, etc…
My balance is OFF to the point I bump and bang into everything and get dizzy often. I kinda resemble a drunk person, and I do NOT drink alcohol either!
I’ve had countless tests and seen more specialists than I can remember the names of. They’re still currently trying to find a treatment that will help me with these symptoms. Autoimmune diseases such as this one keep me from enjoying the following…
- Enjoy theme parks like I used to.
- Watch TV anymore.
- I do NOT enjoy driving now and do it as little as possible!
- I have my chauffeur though and I’m so thankful for my husband!
Cluster Plantar Warts
Around 2015 I had two places, that popped up on my hands, and a huge one on the bottom of my foot. I’ve seen several specialists for this also.
These are a virus and guess body can NOT fight them off. They’ve done freezing, scraping, burning, candida injections, chemotherapy injections, chemotherapy cremes, squaric acid, and MMR injections, just to name a few. NOTHING has worked!
They finally cut out the places on both of my hands and it took over five months to heal…seriously! The poor dermatologist was getting so frustrated she said she’d done all she could for my foot and sent me to another specialist. He refused to even touch it and sent me to someone else!
This Dr said he was afraid it was Cancerous since all other treatments have failed. A Biopsy was performed and it came back noncancerous which is good news however, they don’t want to cut it out because I do NOT heal due to my immune system.
This is still a work in process and I do NOT know what else they can try. Below are images of my foot from a couple of years ago and have gotten worse since. I’m trusting God day by day with this.
I keep getting sinus infections, ear infections, bronchitis, and upper respiratory infections, due to my inner ear issues. I won’t bore you with ALL I’m allergic to. Needless to say, I need to live in a bubble! Lol!
Sinus Surgery
After countless rounds of antibiotics of different varieties, I finally had to have Sinus surgery back in March 2017. I am not going to sugarcoat this one at all. This is a very difficult and painful procedure.
I was leaning on and trusting God in the midst of this. You’re packed with gauze and stents which makes it hard to breathe. I hope you never have to have this done, sweet friend!
It ONLY took about four hours to perform! I thought it was gonna be an easy surgery. I’ve ONLY had twelve surgeries and NO I am NOT kidding.
Most of them are female/bladder-related. My point is that sinus surgery is NOT an easy one, just so you know.
Spine Surgery
I had to have spine surgery due to sciatica pain from my left hip down to my left foot back near Halloween 2021. I’ve had trouble with my back ever since and my left foot stays numb.
They’re calling it a failed Post-laminectomy syndrome which is a medical term for failed surgery. My spine is really weak which makes it hard to walk.
Severe Neck cervical stenosis
My neck is a hot mess and is in serious trouble. I’ve had countless injections. I saw a different spine specialist in January 2023 and he said we could NOT do anything or it’s only going to get worse. Possible paralysis.
The plan is to do a nerve conduction study, and a follow-up with him afterward to schedule surgery. It’s my ONLY option. It’s called cervical decompression and fusion at C4- 5, C5- 6, and C6- 7 with her own iliac crest bone autograft or allograft and plate.
Guess I will have something in common with Frankenstein but my screws, nuts, and bolts will be internal. Trying to put a little humor in the situation. Now they’re saying my balance is so bad they may have to cut the nerve behind my left ear and will be in ICU for a couple of days…sounds fun, right?
Bladder Stones Surgery 3 Times
In October 2022, I had to have bladder stone surgery…again…the day before Halloween. This is the third time. Studies show only two percent a year get them, and they’re usually male. Leave it to me to break the mold.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
I’ve been diagnosed with arthritis for quite some time now. RA is a fairly new diagnosis. My joints have been swelling rather large and hurt something fierce.
The Rheumatologist gave me Hydroxychloroquine to try and help the symptoms. Needless to say, it backfired. This medicine is what caused my Thyroid levels to go off the chains and it messes with your emotions.
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Signs And Symptoms Of RA Include:
- Pain or aching in more than one joint.
- Stiffness in more than one joint.
- Tenderness and swelling in more than one joint.
- The same symptoms are on both sides of the body.
- Weight loss.
- Fatigue or tiredness.
- Weakness.
Raynolds Disease
My skin is very sensitive to hot and cold now. Not sure which it’s coming from but I believe it’s this autoimmune disease. I’m a super fan of a hot shower but if I do so now my skin gets large red welts, and my scalp gets red blisters. It goes away eventually but it’s painful until it does.
Symptoms Of Raynaud’s Disease Include:
- Cold fingers or toes.
- Areas of skin that turn white and then blue. Depending on your skin color, these color changes may be harder or easier to see.
- Numb, prickly feeling or stinging pain upon warming or stress relief.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
I have Carpal Tunnel in both hands/wrists. I’m right-hand dominant and have no grip in that hand whatsoever, it’s somewhat better in the left hand.
I have not worked since July 2022 and I was an oncology Phlebotomist. I can no longer work for numerous reasons listed but I have so many treasured memories I will forever cherish and in one patient’s famous words, God’s Got This…Angie!
Trusting God amid Uncertainty Dealing with Autoimmune Diseases
We are not promised an easy life on Earth. However, we are promised that God will remain with us throughout it all.
Some seasons may be bombarded with pain and sickness while others might be may be filled with good health.
The unshakable truth for us to keep in mind is that God is constantly walking beside us. God’s love will never change nor will He leave or forsake us and he is in the midst of it all.
Five Trust God Quotes
Trusting God: “Fear is the glue that keeps you stuck. Faith is the solvent that sets you free.”
― Shannon L. Alder
Trusting God: “Faith don’t come in a bushel basket, Missy. It come one step at a time. Decide to trust Him for one little thing today, and before you know it, you find out He’s so trustworthy you be putting your whole life in His hands.”
― Lynn Austin
Trusting God: “We must cease striving and trust God to provide what He thinks is best and in whatever time He chooses to make it available. But this kind of trusting doesn’t come naturally. It’s a spiritual crisis of the will in which we must choose to exercise faith.”
― Swindoll Charles R.
Trusting God: “Let your life reflect the faith you have in God. Fear nothing and pray about everything. Be strong, trust God’s word, and trust the process.”
― Germany Kent
Trusting God: “No matter how hard you try to fit the pieces together, sometimes it’s beyond your control, so sit back and trust in his plans.”
― Tilicia Haridat
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How can you Trust God Amid Autoimmune Diseases?
I’m going, to be honest, the ONLY way I can get through these issues is by having my faith grounded in God. I lean on him to see me through all the ups and downs in my life. If it wasn’t for God’s grace I’d be so lost! I couldn’t make it without him.
Could God take these things from me? Yes, he can but he has his reasons for ALL things. I truly feel in my heart that God is using “My Issues” for His Glory and my good. If life was easy ALL the time you wouldn’t grow. You tend to learn more in the darkest of times.
If my “Autoimmune Diseases” help someone else, I see it as a gain. Look at the suffering of Paul and Job. Did God take their suffering away? No, he didn’t! Could he? Most definitely!
My Health Journey
This video was done on March 8, 2018, which is why all disorders are not in the video. I get somewhat emotional if I remember correctly. It’s been a long time since I watched it.
The following song and video by MercyMe have been a lifeline throughout my whole Autoimmune disease history. Remember to keep in mind this has been ongoing for me since 2008. Believe it or not, there are more disorders but this is sufficient.
When I start getting the “feel sorry for Angie blues” I watch and listen to this to get me back on track. One day it is my prayer to let Bart Millard know how he’s carried me through many seasons. Anyway, unless you’ve lived under a rock you know the song. Enjoy!!
Your Turn
If you had this many autoimmune disorders what kind of attitude would you have? Positive or Negative? Most of the time I handle it well but I’m human and have times of uncertainty that I wish would go away but it’s hard. I’d love to hear your story if yours is close to mine?
Hey Friend, Thanks For Reading!
Note: All information on this site is for educational purposes only. Resounding His Love does not provide medical advice. Please consult a physician if you suspect medical problems or need professional advice.
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