When it comes to doubt vs faith are you trusting God in all circumstances? It can often be really hard at times, right? Do you hide behind the mask of “I’m OK” every time someone asks you, “How are you feeling?” You know you’re supposed to be trusting God in all circumstances. However, in your mind, it can be a game of tug of war, right?
Have you ever found yourself lacking the faith to trust God at times too? If we will be brutally honest I know we all do at one time or another.
And without faith, it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. Hebrews 11:6
First off let me share how leaning on my understanding leads to doubt and lack of faith. I posted a Meme about faith and trusting God on my Personal Facebook Timeline and my Blog Page.
When I did this I felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit so strongly! It’s as if he was telling me, “Why do you post things such as this when YOU do NOT believe? I was to the point of tears.
With this in mind, my Website is ALL about encouraging others to Christian Living. However, how hypocritical of me to do this when I am lacking doubt vs faith in my own life.
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Talking about feeling like I’m letting everyone down. Most importantly I let down the one that means more to me than anyone or anything. That is my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
What Is The Difference Between Doubt vs Faith?
I believe it’s important to FIRST explain the “what” and “why” with doubt then share the trust through faith before getting into the tips. With this in mind, displaying faith can often be hard when you feel like you’ve been struggling with your health journey for quite some time. In my case, it’s trusting God amid Autoimmune Disorders.
It started back in 2008 and has been one health issue after another with no ending in sight. I go to see a specialist and then they tell me, I’m sorry, I have done all I know to do.
Then I get passed on to the next one that they choose to refer me to and then I get told what a complicated complex case I am then the same cycle repeats itself.
Needless to say, that can be extremely exhausting and you become overwhelmed by life and it takes its toll on you after a while. It’s been NINE years with the past two years being the worst.
Now, I don’t know how you would perceive time but for me, it has seemed like forever, and to be honest, I’m often left homesick longing for Heaven.
Lack of Faith Can Creep In
When it gets to the point where you don’t enjoy driving simply because the movement from the road, trees, clouds, vehicles, blinking lights, etc..makes you light-headed and nauseous.
Can you say, hey Houston We Have A Problem! Also, try walking when your balance is so uncoordinated you feel like a drunk person at times I do not drink so we will leave it at that.
I don’t talk about the side effects much because I don’t want anyone to think I’m looking for sympathy and if you know anything about me that is NOT who I am. Allow me to give you a couple of examples of what I deal with.
Everyone enjoys roller coasters and spinning rides at theme parks, right? My husband and I were adrenaline junkies before all this started, but now I keep us from doing many things.
Think about all the places that have light shows, motion movement, and fog in them. I can no longer do them.
We took my Grandson to see Christmas lights this past year and my husband said, “Hunny I don’t think you’re gonna be able to do this.” I responded with “I will be fine!” Guess what, I was NOT fine.
It’s bad when your Grandson says “Mamaw you better close your eyes we’re coming up on another wall of terror.” He will pick at me and start spinning in circles cause he thinks it’s funny and laughs.
Needless to say, he’s a seven-year-old child, of course, he doesn’t “get it.”
The Help You Need To Fight Depression
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Now maybe you can understand ME a little better on what I must deal with. Also, June 1st is the date that we lost our first grandchild Tyler to SIDS so I was already in a somewhat sad reflecting state. Nevertheless, I got the news of several Meniere’s tests and it showed I wasn’t cleared for the procedure. It’s depressing.
They suggested a treatment that would FINALLY stop the never-ending revolving door of Specialists. I had the hope that relief was coming and shouldn’t have been so devastated, accepted it, and laid it in God’s hands…I didn’t
So the next question is how can I learn to stop this way of thinking and start trusting God with ALL of the circumstances surrounding my health in the numerous Autoimmune Disorders I’ve dealt with since 2008?
Here are some tips I keep available when doubt starts to creep its way into my mind and I replace the doubt with faith because God is my refuge and strength!
5 Ways to Trust God When It Comes to Doubt vs Faith
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
I’m gonna be honest with you sweet friends. When I’m struggling with doubt vs faith I turn to worship music! In this short e-book, I give you my top 5 songs, the story behind them, and how the words of the songs get me through the challenges. I promise this will help you.
1. Lean on God’s Understanding instead of our Own
When you are beginning to feel burdened and overwhelmed with any issues you tend to want to trust YOUR way of fixing it rather than trusting in the Lord to sustain you through it.
If you are like me I have always been a get in there and get done sorta girl and relying on the faithfulness of God to sustain me has been a work in progress. Now I realize this is just pride talking and I shouldn’t rely on my wisdom and strength.
Sadly, instead of trusting God who is always faithful and keeps his promises, you can tend to try to find answers to fix never-ending issues you may face.
By the way, this doesn’t end up going well because we tend to end up making a bigger mess of things.
You become even more frustrated to find a solution to “fix” things which allows doubt to creep its ugly head into your mind, to begin with.
So how can you stop leaning on YOUR understanding and Lean on GOD’S in Doubt vs Faith? Simply stated because God’s word calls you to trust in him with ALL your heart and NOT to lean on your understanding.
In other words, God calls you to HALT your understanding and trust him wholeheartedly.
Ultimately, you don’t know all the miraculous things God is working out for your good and His glory in and through your circumstances. When you’re dealing with doubt vs faith find your strength in God.
God is always doing 10,000 things in your life, and you may be aware of three of them. Not only may you see a tiny fraction of what God is doing in your life; the part you do see may make no sense to you.
–John Piper
2. Go to God on Bended Knee to receive God’s Grace
Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16
This scripture is such a sweet promise in times of need. The fact of the matter is there will always be times of trouble in your life. God never promises an easy life but he does promise to be with you throughout it all.
Nevertheless, when your circumstances are too numerous to bear that’s when you should call out to God the most and ask for His help and will for your lives.
It is there through our complete surrender when God hears our cries for help when we’re struggling with doubt vs faith and wanting to trust God wholeheartedly. Jesus is ready to give us exactly what we need and God extends His never-ending grace even though we do NOT deserve it.
3. Trust the Character of God Toward His Children
But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:21-23
Where we fail in this: Instead of getting distracted by what you’re wanting (in my case a medical treatment that works) you should be focusing on trusting God through the trials and remembering the very character of God
So how can you trust God’s character towards you specifically? By constantly reminding yourself of God’s faithful character. This scripture has three specifics to keep in the forefront of your mind.
- Mercies of the Lord never come to an end and are new every morning
- The Lord’s love for us will never cease
- Great is the faithfulness of God
But here’s the deal. If you’re going to succeed in NOT doubting God you must instead trust him faithfully. Memorize the truths found in this scripture and that includes when things may not make sense with what your natural eyes may see.
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4. Remember How Faithful God has Always Been to You
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
This scripture is a triumphant reminder that God is unchanging. He’s everlasting to everlasting. He never changes nor does he ever waver. God stays the same and it’s not based on your lack of doubt or faltering faith.
What this means is…If God never changes, and he’s proven to you that he has always been faithful to you in the past, then you can rest in the assurance that he will be faithful to you in ALL the challenges that come your way today or tomorrow.
5. Pray for God to Feed Your Faith and Demolish Your Doubts
Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:5-6
Ultimately, the main way to crush doubts and increase your faith is through the power of the Holy Spirit.
You must Pray for stronger faith when doubts creep in even though your circumstances may seem unchanging and not lean on your understanding or lack of.
The simple truth is that you can do nothing apart from God.
Verses About Faith
Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105
You are my strength; I wait for you to rescue me, for you, O God, are my fortress. Psalm 59:9
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, it is he that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5
Your Turn
Keep in mind that you are here to make an eternal impact and must view things from an eternal perspective, not necessarily human comfort. You’ll be fighting all kinds of doubts but remain strong by choosing Faith over Doubt. Fight the doubt with prayer and God’s word. Your hope is centered on the scriptures. With this in mind, what does the bible say about hope? Remember God’s got this and it’s going to be ok!
Hey Friend, Thanks For Reading!
Note: All information on this site is for educational purposes only. Resounding His Love does not provide medical advice. Please consult a physician if you suspect medical problems or need professional advice.
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