When you’re dealing with grief you need hope in the midst of loss, right? That being said, here are the best books about heaven, and dealing with losing loved ones, that I’ve encountered.
I’m so thankful that many of you are enjoying our (Hope for Grief: A Grief and Loss Collaboration Series). Today is the sixth post in the series titled Hope in the Midst of Loss: Best Books About Heaven and Loss, written by my friend Aryn The Libraryan: Christian Book Blog.
Loss is hard, and grief is real. We have been taught that God is good, and Heaven is the goal. The reward for believers. (Heaven is so much more than that, being God’s kingdom, but that’s a topic for another day).
Heaven is a wonderful place, but there’s a disconnect today. We know it’s there, but still, often think of death as the end. So I want to share some books about Heaven, that will bring it a little nearer, and a little more real.
Sometimes we need a refresher. Or maybe we’ve never taken the time to learn about heaven in the first place. So here are some amazing resources to help. These are the best books about heaven, and dealing with losing loved ones, that I’ve encountered.
18 Best Books About Heaven
These books about heaven are well-written and researched. They’ll give you hope and encouragement, and helpful insight from God’s Word. You’ll find something here to remind you that the separation isn’t forever and that it will be far from boring when we get there!
Heaven Books: Nonfiction
If you’re out to study the topic of Heaven and have your questions answered, start with these Heaven books:
Heaven (Randy Alcorn)
Randy Alcorn is one of my favorite authors, and his book about Heaven is subtitled: A Comprehensive Guide to Everything the Bible Says About Our Eternal Home (Clear Answers to 44 Real Questions About the Afterlife, Angels, Resurrection, … and the Kingdom of God)
This is an in-depth, yet reader-friendly heaven book. It does a great job of giving you the answers you seek, whether you’re preparing for an expected loss, or just want to know more about our future home.
There’s also a 50-Day Devotional based on this book…Heaven, if you’re looking for bite-size pieces!
“The best of life on Earth is a glimpse of Heaven; the worst of life is a glimpse of Hell. For Christians, this present life is the closest they will come to Hell. For unbelievers, it is the closest they will come to Heaven.”
Randy Alcorn
Heaven: My Father’s House (Anne Graham Lotz)
With Anne Graham Lotz’s relatable style of writing, this book is like sitting down with an old friend and talking about John’s Revelation, what heaven will be like, and a taste of Billy Graham’s mountain home.
If you’re reeling from a fresh entry into grief and loss, this Heaven book is sure to offer hope and comfort.
The Case for Heaven (Lee Strobel)
If you’ve read any of Lee Strobel’s ‘Case for…’ books, you know they’re fascinating and convincing. As this “Journalist Investigates the Evidence for Life After Death”
We learn many things about Heaven, as well as study some alternative theories, to see how they stand up. The investigation may not always be comfortable, but its findings are solid.
Heaven is For Real (Todd Burpo)
Heaven is for Real is a powerful and unforgettable story. And I firmly believe that it’s true. Go into it knowing that Colton survives, and you’ll be okay. Colton died, but not for long.
And in typical kid fashion, he relays little bits of what happened over the course of months. Each tidbit reinforces the truth. Things he never could have known otherwise.
It’s beautiful, and so very reassuring to grieving hearts, to know that Heaven is very real. Jesus is there, and so are our loved ones that have gone on before. (and Grandpa may just look like he did when he was 24 now!)
The Beloved Disciple (Beth Moore)
Whether you read The Beloved Disciple or do the full Bible study, diving into the life of John the Apostle will bring you closer to Heaven.
As you study the Gospel from his point of view, and the letters he wrote, encouraging us to ‘love one another to the amazing book of Revelation, you can’t help but gain understanding.
In her special blend of best friend and mentor, Beth Moore makes you laugh, think, and grow.
“Joy is the serious business of Heaven.” C. S. Lewis “God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.” C. S.Lewis “Satan never wastes a fiery dart on an area covered in armor.”
Beth Moore
Fiction Books About Heaven
You may wonder why I chose to include fiction books about heaven. Well, I learn best through the story, and since Jesus taught through the story (parables), too, then why not?
Plus, sometimes we need something we can laugh at, and someone to cheer on in the midst of it all.
Safely Home (Randy Alcorn)
Safely Home reads like real life and features someone who lives their life with Heaven in mind daily. There’s persecution and danger, and faith that grows.
It’s not a light read, and will likely make you cry. But if you’re having trouble allowing yourself to cry, I’d definitely recommend this book, because you’ll be encouraged, and have at least an 80% chance of that good, cleansing cry you need.
“For the Christian, death is not the end of adventure but a doorway from a wold where dreams and adventures shrink, to a world where dreams and adventures forever expand.”
Randy Alcorn
The Loyal Angel (Nathan Crocker)
I was honestly amazed by this story. An angel appeared to Paul while he was in prison one night, telling him a story to distract him from the pain and encouraging him to keep on persevering.
It’s the story of the angels (Heaven and their fall), the creation, the fall, and Cain and Abel, and it’s extremely well done. It will give you hope and courage, and some fun to brighten your day.
*Find out more about this and my other favorite Biblical Fiction recommendations!
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Best Books About Heaven For Kids
Many kids don’t know much more about what happens after death than what Mufasa says in The Lion King, about ‘when we die, our bodies become the grass.
The antelope eat the grass, and we eat the antelope, the great circle of life” (paraphrased).
With these books about heaven for kids, you’ll be able to teach them before they need to know and comfort them after a loss. You may even learn a few things!
Heaven: God’s Promise for Me (Anne Graham Lotz)
Ann Graham Lotz has created a rhyming picture book about the promises of heaven.
It looks beautiful, and I love that the two kids go to the Bible and prayer, looking for answers.
I think it would be well-received beyond the target range of 4-8 years old.
Heaven for Kids (Randy Alcorn)
For 8-12-year-olds, this Heaven for Kids version of the book is simpler but powerful.
Many of the word pictures used to draw on the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, so if you haven’t read or watched this, you will want to start there first, but it’s very practical and answers the questions real kids have about Heaven.
Tell Me About Heaven (Randy Alcorn)
This is a chapter/storybook, featuring a 10-year-old whose grandmother died. Spending time with Grandpa, remembering, and learning about Heaven, is very helpful for him, and anyone reading along.
This one includes scripture but is told as a story. It may be the best pick if you’re grief is fresh, for showing kids they’re not alone, and there IS hope.
Heaven is For Real…For Kids (Todd Burpo)
The kid’s version of the full-length book Heaven is for Real is designed for kids 4-7 years old. Colton tells his story of going to heaven, along with discussion questions and answers.
I haven’t read the …for kids story, but from reading the adult version, I would recommend this one as well.
God Gave us Heaven (Lisa Tawn Bergen)
This series has long been a favorite of mine. The Polar Bear Family is always answering Little Bear’s questions and pointing her to God.
This one’s especially fun, as Little Bear has a ton of questions about Heaven, and the answers are extremely relatable to your own little bear’s life.
Comparisons that make sense, and encourage along the way. It’s not about a specific loss, so there’s not the sadness aspect to deal with, just the joy and beauty and hope.
What Will Heaven Be Like? A Story of Hope and Comfort for Kids (Kathleen Ruckman)
These 2 kids are spending the day with Grandpa, on the farm. They go for a walk, discussing what will Heaven be like along the way. (Grandma is already there).
The kids have many questions, and Grandpa can answer them with scripture (The references are listed on the back page, for you to look up and read in context).
They encounter various situations that illustrate his answers, and it just might change the way you look at a construction site in the future.
After all, God is building us a new home, isn’t he? How might that affect your day, if you think of Heaven every time you pass a construction site?
These Children’s Bible Story Books are also awesome for building faith and understanding!
More Children’s Books about Heaven
I asked a few fellow readers about books for kids who lost a loved one, and here are their suggestions:
Princess Lillian and Grandpa’s Goodbye (Jenny Fulton)
This story of a Princess Lillian who goes to the hospital to see Grandpa one last time is very poignant and sweet.
It’s also available on YouTube if you want to try it before you buy.
It made me cry, and I hadn’t experienced a recent loss, so be forewarned. But it’s beautiful and worth your time!
Your Home in Heaven (Donna Wyland)
A walk through the Fruit of the Spirit, and how to live now, in light of Heaven, as born-again followers of Jesus Christ Your home is in Heaven.
Also a ‘physical representation’ of the Fruit of the Spirit in our heavenly home. That Heaven is a real place and Jesus will be there to welcome us.
Wild Thing: Winnie the Horse Gentler, Book 1 (Dandi Daley Mackall)
For the horse lovers out there, this 12-year-old girl (and her family) are coping with the loss of her mom.
She’s really good with horses, and as she works with them, she learns to trust God’s goodness.
It looks like there are some really funny parts, as well as sweet, tender parts and real spiritual lessons.
Porch Swing Girl (Taylor Bennett)
For Teens, Porch Swing Girl is about a 16-year-old girl whose mother has died, and she needs to get home before her dad does something crazy…but then her friend needs help, and she has to decide what’s more important.
Best Books for Grief and Loss and losing loved ones
Specifically, looking for books for grief and loss? The kind that will walk you through the process of this overwhelming event?
Or maybe something to distract you, and let you escape from reality for a few hours? Here are my recommendations:
Books about Grief
GriefShare is an amazing program for those who have lost a loved one. It’s a 13-week support group with videos, discussion (no one is forced to talk), and a workbook to help you process all that you are experiencing.
It’s usually a group of 5-10 individuals going through the process together. Each week’s video features testimony from a different type of loss.
This program is helpful whether you are actively grieving, anticipate a loss soon, or want to be prepared for your own sake or to help others you may encounter.
GriefShare also has crafted a special session called Grieving through the Holidays, which many host churches offer in November. Very helpful, especially during the first few holiday seasons.
GriefCare Fellowship is another very helpful resource in your journey through grief and loss.
This group has created a comprehensive collection of materials for everything from grief counselor training to Grieving seminars and workshops to Sunday school /small group/home group materials, etc.
I was privileged to know and work with several of the creators, and their hearts are so in tune with the reality of grief, and the hope of our Savior, that you cannot help but be encouraged by their message.
Honor Your Loved One’s Memory
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365 Days of Prayer for Grief and Loss
Comforting Devotional Book for Those Who May be Grieving or Dealing with Loss
This is a beautiful collection. A verse, a prayer inspired by the verse, and a Journaling prompt. This will help you draw near to Him, and cling to Him in the middle of the journey.
There is a small amount of room for Journaling on each page, but I would recommend adding a journal or simple notebook for your journal entries.
A Creative Journal and Coloring Book for Comfort & Healing In Times of Loss: Comfort and Encouragement for the Heart & Soul
The act of coloring can be very cathartic, and relaxing. This book has devotions specific to the grief process, places to journal and color, and overall, is a great choice if you want something a little different.
Books to Cheer the Heart
Sometimes, Grief is too fresh, or the loss is too heavy. In those moments, the absolute best books for grief and loss are the ones that take you to another world, and outside of the world of loss, you’re living in.
Sometimes, going through the wardrobe and into Narnia is the best thing you can do.
Seeing the Great Lion at work, good triumphing over evil, and letting someone else carry the load for a while, while you cheer them on, can, at least for a time, be exactly what you need.
Whether we’re talking about kids or adults, a small escape can make the rest bearable. These stories can be enjoyed by pretty much all ages, and make a great family read-aloud at any time.
The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (CS LEWIS)
This (or any of the rest of the series) is amazing for almost any age.
Whether you’re a reader or a movie watcher, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe paints a beautiful picture of forgiveness and salvation, courage and kindness, trustworthiness- and the opposite, and much more, and is fun besides.
And at least with the first one, the recent movie sticks pretty close to the book!
The Dead Sea Squirrels (Mike Nawrocki)
The hilarious story of some petrified squirrels who listened to Jesus preaching before they were petrified, and somehow come back to life when a boy finds them.
He brings them back to the States, and they help him solve everyday problems with Jesus’ words of wisdom.
The Wingfeather Saga (Andrew Peterson)
Full of middle school humor, the Wing Feather Saga is a powerful series is an epic saga full of hard things, sadness, light moments, drama and chaos, and courage, and… well worth your time.
Aryn’s motto is “Love God, Love Books” and is always ready to talk about both with anyone who will listen. She loves to connect readers with books that will help, encourage, and entertain them while helping authors find the readers they’re trying to reach.
Your Turn
It’s hard to find hope amidst loss. The overwhelming emptiness and pain, the need for one more hug, or to tell them the joke you just heard, etc. But there is hope. We know that, if they’ve trusted Jesus, we’ll see them again. Heaven is real, and I hope these books about Heaven have helped you find a little bit more hope in this season.
Hey Friend, Thanks For Reading!
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