Does God’s timing seem unbearable at times? Patience in waiting on God’s timing calls you to trust God wholeheartedly, right? So how can you use God and patience together to help you in long seasons of hardships?
But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. Romans 8:25
Sometimes it’s hard to put the two together. I looked up the definition of patience in Webster’s dictionary, and this is what it said it meant
- Bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint.
- Manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain.
Now think about that definition, and what it has to do with God’s timing.
Do you have patience in waiting on God’s timing as described here? Does this help to bring God and patience together? I know for a fact, that I can say in ALL honesty, that I don’t, not ALL the time.
It seems patience is very lacking in our world today. God expects us to remain patient in waiting, doesn’t he? God, patience in waiting go hand in hand.
As a country, we have gotten so busy and live in an instantaneous world nowadays. You have Church, Lifegroup, family, work, house cleaning, kids, grocery shopping, laundry, cooking, bathing, etc…
As women, when do we EVER get to slow down right? We’re putting everyone else’s wants and needs, before our own. This is how we are wired.
God’s Timing: 4 Ways You Can Find True Patience in Waiting
1. Pray More Fervently
The number one way to wait on God’s timing is prayer. Go to God in prayer first and foremost and let the holy spirit guide you and pray for the following:
- Patience and strength during the waiting.
- God reveals what he wants you to learn through waiting.
- Your heart is open to the work God’s doing through the waiting.
- Transformation and renewal.
2. Read And Study God’s Word
Trust me, friend, I know how hard it can be to trust God’s timing in difficult seasons and the last thing you feel like doing is opening your bible to read and study.
That being said however is what Satan wants you to not do also. His job is to keep you down and out and separated by God and his word. The Bible is your lifeline…remember this above all else.
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3. Surrender To The Heart Change God Is Wanting To Do In Your Life
When God is working on making a heart change in your life or carrying you through particular seasons of life, it may take time to fully work out the plans he has for you.
Remember God’s timing is perfect and always on time. So you must submit to God’s timeline NOT yours. Let go of our attempts to control and plan your way out and allow God to lead.
4. There’s A Lesson To Be Learned
More often than not there’s usually a sin in your life you need to confess, deal with, and turn away from. Possibly there is a habit you are hanging onto and your stubborn heart does not want to release it and let it go.
I suggest digging deep and letting God do the work in your life and heart that he’s wanting to do. Although the waiting period is hard you learn the most through those seasons.
- Something to start, and waiting for it to end.
- More financially stable.
- Get a better home or car.
- The diagnosis you long for.
However, when you are trying to keep a smile on your face and a joyful attitude, crying out to God, and your prayers aren’t being answered. It gets frustrating. You want them answered in your timeframe instead of God’s.
I confess that I lack patience in God’s timing to see the salvation of my children. Here I am living a Christian life trying to model Christ and all I encounter is a wall being put up.
I don’t want them to feel as if I’m judging them, that alone is for God to do. But it troubles my heart and soul so much, to know they haven’t accepted Jesus Christ, as the Lord and Savior of their life.
God forbid something would happen to them, before taking their last breath on this earth, and NOT be ready, to kneel before God. I just can’t fathom the thought of it.
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God’s Timing Do’s and Dont’s
When you are running late you tend to lose your patience rather quickly, don’t you? You can become flustered and everything amplifies that such as:
- For instance, let’s say you left your house late for work.
- You get behind EVERY slow driver possible.
- Then along comes a school bus.
- Guess what, they have umpteen stops to make, and you can’t pass them, not that we should.
- They’re carrying precious cargo ya know.
- Let’s not leave out the driver, who runs a red light, and then cuts you off.
Are you willing to show patience then, or are you hollering in your vehicle at them? The ONLY thing running through your mind at that point, is hurrying up and getting out of my way already will you!! You know what I’m talking about right?
Flashing your headlights and honking your horn, meanwhile your blood pressure sky-rockets, and you’re getting more upset by the minute.
Now slow down and take a breath. Are any of these scenarios their fault? No, it isn’t! You are the one who was running late, yet you proceed to lose your patience, and cast blame and point fingers, at them instead at you.
Talking about an eye-opener!
1. Trust God’s Timing through Difficult Seasons
When you are going through a season, of unending difficulty, it can be hard to be joyfully patient, in the midst of them.
Satan will come to your mind, ready to pounce and tempt you, with ALL kinds of crazy stuff.
Plus if darkness is constantly surrounding you, and you see no light, at the end of the tunnel.
2. Don’t Question God’s Timing
- Do you know what you’re doing here Lord?
- Haven’t you piled enough on me Lord?
- How long do you expect me to wait for, Lord?
But God says waiting is good for you because it produces patience within you. I want to give you a few examples, of why God expects you to be patient and remain joyful in all things. You want to make sure you do not get mad at God.
The Help You Need To Fight Depression
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3. God’s Timing Strengthens You
If you can’t wait on God, to do a small thing for you in your life, you’re NEVER going to be willing to wait on him, to do something much bigger, than you can EVER comprehend, with your natural eye.
You tend to look at what’s in front of you whereas God wants to do a heart change within you.
You will appreciate things more, when God says not right now, wait on my timing. His timing is ALWAYS on time. YOU may not think it is, but God knows best. you will value something more, the longer you have been made to wait for it.
4. God’s Timing Reveals Our Hearts True Motives
You will find out rather quickly, what lies in your heart when facing a challenge you don’t like. The longer God is making you wait for something the more you will want to take charge and make it happen for yourself.
God doesn’t operate that way and he’s in charge.
5. Waiting For God’s Timing Builds Character
God wants to conform you to be more like his son. When you’re put in a situation that’s completely out of your control you will turn to Jesus as your source of strength instead of relying on yourself.
It changes you from the inside out which is the reason God is making you wait to start with.
6. Patience Develops A Stronger Relationship Between You And God
While you are forced to wait, you will be more apt to seek God’s face, read God’s word, and Pray more, which will deepen the intimacy between you and God.
You may not always understand the reasons why, God is making you wait, but rest assured God will be right beside you, the whole time. He’ll NEVER ask you to wait alone.
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In Gods Timing Bible Verses
Let your hope keep you joyful, be patient in your troubles, and pray at all times. Romans 12:12
Hot tempers cause arguments, but patience brings peace. Proverbs 15:18
The end of something is better than its beginning. Patience is better than pride. Ecclesiastes 7:8
With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices. Psalm 37:7
Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! Psalm 27:14
The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent. Exodus 14:14
The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. 2 Peter 3:9
Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Colossians 3:12
Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice, blessed are all those who wait for him. Isaiah 30:18
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And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Your Turn
Remember sweet friend to hold onto hope. Have patience in waiting on God’s timing and lean on God more than ever before. Trust in God’s time. Be thankful for God’s faithfulness and use this time to prepare your heart for the work God wants to do through you. Also, make it a priority to be around other Christian friends, with whom you can talk and share your toughest battles. Keep one another encouraged and lifted!
Hey Friend, Thanks For Reading!
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