Do you know God wants to use YOU to showcase how HE accomplishes HIS will through YOU just by sharing YOUR “real life” everyday struggles? As born-again followers of Jesus Christ, you are created for a purpose and that is to be a living testimony as a disciple of Jesus Christ! Are YOU ready to learn how God wants to use YOU? Keep reading.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10
How God can use you?
God longs to use you. As disciples of Christ, you are probably thinking “Well duh, I know that”, but far too many Christians never witness to others because they think they need a degree and that’s up to the pastors and elders of the church only.
However, this is not a true statement at all
1. God Uses Ordinary People
I want you to grasp the knowledge that you can be used by God. God uses ordinary people like you. You can share “your story” both before and after being saved through faith, to point lost souls to God! That being said, If “GOD” can use “ME” he can use “YOU” too!
2. God Uses the Broken
Trust Me, I’m just an ordinary individual. That being said, God uses the weak and broken for His kingdom purposes and God wants to use you and your brokenness to help others know the freedom found in Him.
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3. God uses the Willing
It may be hard to believe, but GOD wants to use you for a particular purpose for His glory. Yes, I’m emphasizing GOD being BIG and you and I being small purposely.
See Friends, God can use “ALL OF US!” God wants us to say…”God use me for your purposes!”
Stop making excuses because if God can use me…God can use you too! I’m far from a perfect Christian. To begin with, there’s no such thing as being perfect apart from God!
You and I are called to disciple people as well. God uses broken people to reach other broken people. We are getting it wrong and sadly we convince ourselves of the following excuses NOT to do so:
- My Sins are too bad
- Selfishness
- I’m Not good enough
- When I’m a stronger Christian I will do ___?
However, God has chosen to use you and I (born-again followers of Jesus Christ) to reveal himself to the lost, hurting, and broken people in this world NOW…Not Later!
God Chose You
Jesus Christ fills you with His Holy Spirit to spread the good news of salvation and restoration obtained with God. All God wants is to use you and for you to say yes!
I will be the first to tell you that I messed up too many times to count. That being said, at the end of the day I do the best I know how and God knows your heart.
You do not have to use big eloquent words or speeches to share your testimony. Let your prayer be that people will come to know Jesus Christ through the life you live and lead. In other words, let your actions back up what you say and do. Every person created has a testimony (story) that can be shared.
How can God use You?
You may be thinking…Angie, How can God use me?
Your “story” will show how lost you were before you surrendered your life to Jesus Christ. You are still broken but you are “beautifully broken” in Jesus Christ!
It’s NOT a one-size-fits-all way of sharing. God uses someone who walked a similar road to reach a particular person. What better-qualified individual than someone who has “been there, done that” pathway
Used By God | Abuse
- Physical Abuse
- Emotional Abuse
- Verbal Abuse
- Sexual Abuse
I walked a road that has left many scars to this day. Anyone who has been in an abusive situation knows this path all too well. For those who haven’t, I thank God you don’t know what it’s like. I share my testimony of abuse openly and honestly.
These words have been spoken to me countless times:
“Why didn’t you just leave the situation?” I NEVER would have allowed anyone to treat me that way! That my friends are hard to explain to someone who knows nothing about what abuse is like.
You become so beaten down mentally, emotionally, and worst of all physically. You come to believe it is ALL your fault why these things have taken place in your life.
It’s a control thing!
At one point in my life, I was convinced that I’d be better off dead, and if not for the GRACE OF GOD, I would be. Do you see how God can use me to reach individuals who may be dealing with the same issues?
I know firsthand what it’s like therefore I understand and can relate to them on a level that others would never be able to understand. I can also let them know there IS hope for them and happiness can be obtained!
I am now married to a man who treats me better than I deserve. I’m so thankful for my husband. Something good has come out of that time, and I can share my story with other women. In doing so it opens a conversation of where I have hope today…I found my hope in God, and they can too.
How God Can Use You
What does your background look like that can help someone now? See, how YOU can allow God to use you.
Substance Path?
Has your path led you on a road of drug or alcohol abuse? I’m NOT judging you by no means but if this was your walk you are in a position to help those facing these same struggles. I have NO IDEA what it’s like and I wouldn’t pretend I do.
I could TRY to help someone in either of these situations but I wouldn’t understand what they’re dealing with.
But possibly you do?
Can you see what a beacon of hope you could be for them? May I plead with you to humble yourself and share your testimony?
If YOU tell them how God has set you free from those addictions maybe they can find hope out of the darkness and despair too.
Sexual Path?
I’m gonna embarrass myself now but this is a “real issue!” In today’s world “Sex” is ALL around us and peer pressure is at an ALL-TIME HIGH.
It’s in commercials, videos, music, the internet, TV programs, etc…It’s like you’re in the minority if you choose to exclude yourself from things your “friends” are “into!”
I have NEVER had an issue with pornography. EVER! To be honest it makes me blush thinking about it.
I’ve never had any interest whatsoever related to this and I get picked on tremendously due to my “lack” of knowledge.
I was a virgin when I got married and Yes, I had a very sheltered childhood and I’m very thankful for that. Did it cause you trouble in your relationships or with your family?
I would NOT know, how to approach someone who faces these challenges. However, maybe this was your life. Maybe you know all too well how hard it was to stop these images from invading your mind.
If so, you can come alongside someone who desperately wants to leave that life behind as well. You can share how God has redeemed you and set you free of that path.
Talking about freedom and rest for a weary soul!
Depression Path?
Being depressed is a lonely place to be. I know this to be true because I have been there! You know you’re in a somber state of mind when you’d rather stay in bed let alone see or speak to anyone.
All you see is utter darkness without a pinpoint of light. I admit looking back on it now my depressed state was nowhere near as bleak as some I come into contact with today.
As you read this you may be thinking, “Angie, this describes me perfectly!” I have personally struggled with anxiety and depression and I want to help someone else get through it.
Not only that but also to share were complete in Christ, not the loneliness. And Pray to know their identity in Christ.
The Help You Need To Fight Depression
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God Wants To Use You So Allow God To Use You Today
Now that I’ve given you a few examples of how God can use you do you realize what a precious gift YOU can pass on to another broken individual? As you know there are numerous categories where you can be making a difference in someone’s life.
We’re all broken people trying to reach out to other broken people we ALL need Jesus
Your Turn
Use your deepest and most painful struggles that have taken place in your life to help those today who need to hear it the most. Just remember opening a conversation about who and what you were before and after accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior will not ONLY help those to see a way out of their path but will also lead them to a path of Salvation.
Hey Friend, Thanks For Reading!
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