As a disciple of Jesus are you truly living a transparent life for Christ? Would you be willing to openly share your struggles, trials, and temptations? You may realize that living a transparent life is easier than you think!! You’re probably thinking are you crazy!!! Why would I want to do that? Trust me, I know admitting your failures isn’t easy but if you’d be open with them it can help others share their stories, therefore, helping more people.

You have no idea what kind of impact you can have on someone else’s life by doing this very thing, sweet friend. So how do you go about living a transparent life?
What Are 7 Christian Tips For Living A Transparent Life
Living a transparent life places us in a vulnerable position, doesn’t it? We often want people to see what we allow them to see on the outside not what we may have hidden deep down in our souls.
I’m certain you have some stories that you’d just assume stayed private right?
We have ALL fought battles that we don’t want others to know about. Some of our stories may be too painful or shameful to share and we may feel as if we’d let people down.
But living a transparent life with others is allowing our true selves to be seen. Let’s dive into some tips for living a transparent life.
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1. Let Others See The Real You
It takes courage to share where we fall short and struggle. We don’t like to open ourselves up due to fear and ridicule that may come from doing so.
However, as born-again followers of Christ, we must be willing to show others that we don’t live perfect lives and do not have all the answers.
In all honesty, we do not have our lives together. Christians face the same temptations as those who are Non-Believers.
Being a Christian in today’s world isn’t easy. Not only this but living a transparent life as a Christian is even harder!
2. Fear Rejection
It’s an ongoing messy process of learning to become more like Christ. We shouldn’t fear rejection because we know who we are in Christ and our identity is found in Christ alone.
We should be speaking the truth to this hurting world. Fruitfulness comes from showing vulnerability and the admission of our weaknesses. I don’t know about you but I make mistakes daily.
3. Honor God
I know without a doubt that I want to honor God and show others the Love and acceptance that ONLY Jesus can provide. I attend Harvest Bible Church and my Church is BIG on Lifegroups.
God wants every follower of Jesus to be continually growing as we worship Christ, walk with Christ work for Christ, and witness for Christ.
During a Lifegroup meeting, we have Mutual Ministry time. Mutual Ministry is looking for ways to minister to the other members of the group.
4. Be Truthful and Vulnerable
It takes courage to admit where we fall miserably short but it also encourages others to do the same! Living a transparent life can seem more than a little scary at times.
We never know how people are going to respond to the “real us.” What if the “real us” disappoints our friends? Yet hiding is NEVER an option for the born-again believer.
Eventually, the dark will be brought to light. God loves us too much to allow us to stay hidden behind our facade.
5. Friends Help Hold You Accountable
When Mike and I first attended one of these sessions I was scared out of my mind. I wanted to run the other way, FAST!
Once my husband and I started attending Lifegroups regularly he and I both enjoyed it. It seemed to be a safe place to share with other believers what you’re struggling with.
Our Lifegroup exercises care and watchfulness over each attendee. One of the benefits of Lifegroup is accountability time.
During this time we hold each other accountable in love and by the word of God for the struggles they share among the group.
When we assemble we’ll pray for each other to bear one another’s burdens and pray for God’s help in all things.
6. Acknowledge Your Brokenness
I can say with all honesty, that when I opened up about my struggles at first I thought my heart was gonna come out of my chest.
Sweet friends, when you get down to the nitty-gritty, ugly truth of your Sin, it isn’t pretty. At first, when I shared my story I thought I was gonna get my fingers pointed at me and words about how I have done this wrong and that wrong.
I should have done this or I should have done that. All I received was Love. There was NO Condemnation. There were many tears on more than one occasion.
7. walk in Obedience
Can you sense the power in that, friends?
God wants to turn all your hurt into healing. Then he wants to use you in the lives of other people. God is waiting for you and me to be obedient and say “Lord, here I am, faults and all USE ME!” Will you let God use you?
We have this misconception that if we’re transparent, about our imperfections and faults people are going to think less of us. Sweet Friend. speaking from experience it’s the opposite!
The more honest you are the more people will want to hear and lives will be changed. You will be so glad you opened up and will feel the chains of bondage loosen.
C. H. Spurgeon on Living A Transparent Life for Christ
The only power that is effectual for the highest design of preaching is the power that does not lie in your word nor in my word, but in THE WORD OF GOD! It is God’s Word, not our comments on God’s Word, which saves souls. Dear brethren, if you seek to do good in this world and want a powerful weapon to work with, stick to the gospel, the living gospel.
There is power in the gospel of Christ Jesus our Lord to meet the sin and death of human nature. Nothing can convince of sin, reveal inability, nor reveal the sufficiency of Christ but the Word of God! “Where the word of the King is, there is power.” Nothing can resist it.
The Word of God is that by which sin is slain and grace is born in the heart It is the light that brings life with it. It brought us to Christ at first, and it still leads us to look to Christ until we grow like Him. God’s children are not sanctified by legal methods but by the Word.
– C. H. Spurgeon
A. W. Tozer on Living A Transparent Life for Christ
It takes real faith to begin to live the life of heaven while still upon the earth, for this requires that we rise above the low of moral gravitation and bring to our everyday living the high wisdom of God. And since this wisdom is contrary to that of the world, conflict is bound to result. This, however, is a small price to pay for the inestimable privilege of following Christ.
– A. W. Tozer
John Macarthur on Living A Transparent Life for Jesus
The Christian has the glorious privilege of living under the internal guidance, restraint, and power of the Holy Spirit, who energizes him to obey the will of God.
– John MacArthur
Bible Verses for Living A Transparent Life For Jesus
For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. James 1: 23-24
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. James: 5:16
Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy. Proverbs: 28:13
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Let people see the “REAL YOU.” I found it extremely hard to be Transparent when sharing my story of Abuse.
I had this revelation of living a transparent life when I wrote Come To The Table: Lies of the Devil and How to Defeat Them. Sweet Friend, the thing is God Knows Our Hearts…Yet Still Loves Us!
Your Turn
Sharing your weaknesses is hard for you but you also have no idea who you may be inspiring to do the same. It could lead to another soul being saved. Above all else make sure you’re Living a Transparent Life for Jesus to Please God!
Hey Friend, Thanks For Reading!
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