Do you know the importance of sharing the gospel? Sharing the good news of the gospel should apply to everyone regardless of the lifestyle they may be living, right? This includes ALL people and it doesn’t matter if their belief is different from yours in every way.
When you make eye contact with this “individual” would it be one of repulsion and you walk away, or would it be to approach them and show them the same love that Jesus has shown to you?
What is The Importance Of Sharing The Gospel?
If you are like me you don’t like to feel that “Gut-Wrenching Soul Deep” conviction. You know the one I mean right? It’s the one when you look up and think all eyes are on you.
You see all fingers pointing at you as if to say, “Yep, you better pay attention cause YOU need to hear this.” Talk about getting your toes stepped on! It seems like mine should be crushed by now.
No one enjoys having to confront their sin. Yet, I would rather be called out on mine than continue not doing something, that I know, I should be doing.
Lately, it feels like every time my pastor, stands before the congregation, to deliver his sermon, it’s as if someone told him beforehand, what battles and emotions are in my mind and heart.
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Are You Sharing The Gospel With Everyone?
All born-again followers of Christ will make this statement. “Of course, I am willing to share the Gospel with others.” But is that a true statement? Work with me here, I’m making a point.
How quick are YOU, to go up to a stranger, and share the good news, of Jesus Christ? Would you be willing, to go into a place, that you know for a fact, you wouldn’t be welcome?
Do you find yourself answering NO, cause I sure do! Here is the most convicting one for me. I am so guilty of NOT telling others about Christ based on how they look.
Shame on me because I know it isn’t right and yet I find myself doing it anyway.
Lord, Please unveil my eyes and let me see others as you see them. Children of the most high God.
Are You Convicted by Not Sharing the Gospel to Select People?
What is The good news in the bible?
Here are a few examples of what I’m referring to and whom I find difficult to share a conversation with about God. I am not judging them that is God’s place to do and I’m simply stating where I am convicted.
Where are you convicted? Remember, as Christians, you should know how to share the gospel with everyone, right?
I want you to search deep in your heart for the honest answer. This is important for practicing the importance of sharing the gospel with others. How quickly do you reject sharing Jesus with those who are______?
- Entire body covered in piercings and tattoos?
- Transgender, Bi-Sexual, or Gay?
- Alcoholic or Drug Addicted?
- Has had an Abortion?
- Different Biblical Beliefs?
- Different Political Beliefs?
The list can go on and on. I just named ones that I know for a fact I am guilty of myself.
What Keeps Us From sharing the Gospel of the Good News in the Bible?
My Confession:
I would completely bypass most of the examples I mentioned. I would then proceed to bargain with God that he needs to find someone who is more “suitable” to use not me.
The truth of the matter is that the Bible doesn’t say only tell people in your comfort zone it states go ye therefore and tell ALL people, not a select few.
Yet I find myself shying away from the ones that aren’t in my perfectly wrapped-up little box, and who also need to hear the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Why do we find it so difficult to tell others about the best thing that can ever change their life for the better? I can sum it up with one word
We keep people in certain categories whom we are safe telling. We don’t want to open ourselves up, to the rejection we know we will receive and have non-believers’ opinions contradict ours so we keep quiet. How can we share the gospel without fear?
When Jesus Christ was still living as a man on earth he lovingly approached everyone and would always make it a point to say I am doing my Father’s will that sent me.
Jesus would sit down and fellowship with those that many wouldn’t have even spoken to let alone eat with them.
We all know how much people rejected Jesus. Jesus hung on a Roman Rugged Cross for all even though he didn’t deserve the punishment he received, we did. Most often when you start a conversation about God it will lead to our Sin nature.
The truth of the matter is we enjoy Sinning and don’t want to hear about how we have to turn from that so we use that as an excuse not to share or I do anyway.
Now, I don’t know about you but I am highly disgusted with myself. It’s high time we learn the importance of sharing the gospel with everyone.
Who Should Be Sharing The Gospel?
Here I claim to be a follower of Christ yet I’m not even doing the Great Commission as I’m supposed to. The Great Commission is for all of us. Are you sharing the love and salvation of Jesus Christ like you should be doing?
I don’t know about you but that ends for me starting now. So what if you hit a brick wall telling others about Jesus? You may have planted a seed that will grow until the next person digs a little deeper.
What Are 3 Specific Reasons For Sharing The Gospel
1. Eternal Damnation in Hell
The importance of sharing the gospel is crucial to those who do NOT accept Jesus as Lord and Savior are going to be facing eternity in torture.
This is a fact that I can’t begin to fathom. As long as you and I have breath in our lungs we should be opening sharing that reality. Here are 20 simple ways to share the gospel.
2. Commandment from God
The following scripture is all the proof we need as born-again believers in Jesus Christ on the importance of sharing the gospel.
And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Mark 16:15
3. Gift of Salvation
There should not be one day that goes by without telling someone about the endless grace that you have been given. It should not matter what they look like, act like dress like, or think alike. That is modern-day Pharisee thinking and may we be truly convicted by that.
Just because we’re Christians doesn’t mean we can’t show unconditional Love to all, whether their beliefs differ from ours or not. Trust Me, I’m preaching to myself also.
All have a sinful nature, that is the consequence, of the fall of Adam and Eve. Jesus Loves the Individual, Not the Sin, and you are to model that, and it’s time to start doing that.
Bible Verses On Sharing the Gospel
And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14
Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on the earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people. And he said with a loud voice, “Fear God and give Him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.” Revelation 14:6-7
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
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Be Sure to Read:
- How to Spread the Gospel: Facebook Evangelism
- Talking About Jesus: How to Share Jesus with Others
- Internet Missionaries: How Regular Christian Women are Reaching the Unchurched
Your Turn
The importance of sharing the gospel is Jesus Christ can return at any moment. Do you want to be standing before God receiving judgment because you were unwilling to tell “Everyone” about him? Be ready and place your hope in Christ for eternal salvation because eternity is at stake.
Hey Friend, Thanks For Reading!
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